Eternalise Your Loved One’s Legacy with a Personalised Digital Memorial
A Timeless Digital Tribute
Create a timeless memorial for your loved one. Save a page that will forever document their life, interests, and achievements, inviting family and friends to share their memories and tributes.
The Life Timeline: A Journey Through Memories
Each life is a unique story. Highlight the milestones and achievements of your loved one’s life and honor their journey.
Celebrate the Passions that Defined Them
Celebrate the unique passions that brought joy and color to your loved one’s life. Share the hobbies, adventures, and dreams that defined their journey,
Share a Tribute to their Memory
Allow family and friends to post memories and tributes to their lost loved one. Create a place of remembrance and love.
Scan, Remember and Share
Easily connect to a loved one’s memorial by scanning their unique QR code. Open a world of memories, stories, and tributes, celebrating their life at your fingertips. Share and remember together, no matter where you are.
Scan to view example
Create a Memorial Today
Get in touch with us to create a memorial for your loved one.
We will provide you with a simple online form to upload their timeline, interests and memories to eternalise their legacy.